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Teeter Inversion Tables & Accessories
The back is supported by hundreds of ligaments and muscles that stabilize the spine. When the back is out of alignment due to poor posture, prolonged sitting, or rotational movement, your spine becomes misaligned.
Did you know that simply using an inversion table for a few minutes a day helps reduce the muscle pain and tension experienced by most people? Enhance your life and well-being with an inversion table by Teeter.

Teeter Inversion Table
Garrett Metal Detectors & Accessories

As the owner of Hershberger’s, Perry is also the President of the Casper, WY chapter of the GPAA (Gold Prospectors Assn.). As a result of that hobby, Hershberger’s is the local distributor of the Garrett line of metal detectors, books, apparel and miscellaneous supplies.
The GPAA club meets at Hershberger’s the 4th Wednesday of each month, 7:00 PM. Outings are scheduled periodically. Call for more information.